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What your purchase includes: Reading Material 1 Quiz per Course 1 Certificate per Course
Courses Included:
Degenerative Disc Disease – 3, General This naturopathy CE course reviews the fundamental anatomical structures of the spine and intervertebral discs in order to identify the pathophysiology of degenerative disc disease and its effects on the individual. The purpose of this course is to improve the naturopathic doctor’s understanding of the pathophysiology of degenerative disc disease and all the treatment options currently available.
Stem Cells: Current Research & Future Uses – 3, General This course will discuss different areas of medicine such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, spinal cord injury, severe burn wounds, etc., and identify relevant research on the ability of stem cells to help in these areas. What are stem cells exactly? What is their purpose in the human body? How do they work? How can they help people fight or reverse complex medical ailments? These questions and more will be answered in this naturopathic continuing education course. The purpose and intent of this course is to have Naturopathic Doctors walk away with a greater knowledge of stem cells (what they are, how they work) and an understanding of the current research that is underway that will one day allow stem cells to help many people with a variety of different medical conditions. An excellent new area of medicine that everyone in the health care field should be aware of, for 3 Naturopathic Credits for Continuing Education.
Understanding Headaches & Migraines – 3, General The purpose of this naturopathy CE course is to improve your understanding of different types of headaches, why they occur and how they occur on a physiological level, understand the correlation between neck injuries and headaches. This course identifies different types of headaches, why they occur, and how they can be evaluated and characterized. Additional details will be discussed such as cluster headaches, pathogenesis of migraines, post traumatic headaches, cervicogenic headaches, and more.
Drugs with Severe Side Effects – 3, Pharmacy To navigate the complex world of healthcare, naturopathic doctors must be aware of common prescription and over the counter medications, along with their potential adverse effects. In this naturopathy CE course, we discuss some of the pharmacology behind common prescription & OTC drugs in the market place, learn about interactions they may have with other drugs, identify risks for abuse, and under what circumstances these medications are typically prescribed.
Transmittable Diseases – 2, General This naturopathic continuing education course reviews different transmittable diseases and how they are spread, such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, hepatitis, malaria, polio, influenza, and tuberculosis.
Health & Nutrition – 1, General This naturopathic continuing education course dives into the science behind nutrition so we can understand the functions and effects the food we consume has on our bodies. Key areas of food and nutrition such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are all discussed including scientific elaborations for each subject. Hormonal regulation is also reviewed as it pertains to nutrition and body composition. Popular topics such as Ketogenesis and intermittent fasting are elaborated upon, and we explore the science and research pertaining to each, including the pros and cons. In this class, Naturopathic Doctors will review the science behind nutrition, and also gain insight on using proper nutrition to enhance longevity. The purpose of this course is to educate the Naturopathic provider on the fundamentals of nutrition and how this connects and relays to overall health and wellness. This course is worth 1 Naturopathy CE Credit.